Player and Parent Handbook

2022- 2023 Parent Player Handbook
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  1. Dryer sheets in shoes work pretty good to keep the inside of a backpack smelling tolerable.  Just remember to take the sheets out before playing!  
  2. Wash knee pads at least every couple weeks! Pretty Please!
  3. Water, water, and more water!  Keep 3-4 bottles in your purse... you'll want some and kids will forget or lose theirs.
  4. Small container for randomly tossed jewelry thrown at you before a match starts
  5. Two sweatshirts!  One for you!
  6. Girls will say they don't like sweatpants or don't want to look ugly  or whatever the excuse is... Wear something warm covering the legs!!!!  Especially during winter...don't give in!  
  7. Shoelaces, fluorescent colors!  It will remind your daughter every time she sees them that they need you and you are a valued member of the team.
  8. Sanitary items. Both kinds.  
  9. Learn the volleyball lingo.  No one says "bump" or "dink" anymore... however, "kill", "roof", "ace", "dig" are all good to know.  And if someone says "your daughter has nice hands" is a compliment for anyone that sets a ball. 
  10. Only cheer for our team...never against the opposing team.  Never discuss skill level of anyone me.  The one time you say something, the relative of that girl will happen to be sitting next to you!  Break out the pom poms and just cheer the snot out of the entire team and know they are giving it all they have!!  If you are feeling exceptionally "Woke" you can even cheer the opposing team when they do something good... remember, these are kids!
  11. For the love of all that is Holy please don't approach the referee!!  It NEVER helps...and may even work against your team.  Our coaches are trained to deal with refs...please let your coaches deal with any questions that arise during competition.
  12. Don't be late to tourneys or your coach may have a heart attack!
  13. Phone chargers, especially portable ones, will save the day.
  14. Have gum!  bring enough for the team.
  15. We coach, they play, you cheer.
  16. Bleacher chairs or big cushioned seat pads will save your butt!
  17. Don't coach during the break... depending on seeding there is always a break for food, drinks, relaxing, etc.  Remember this phrase:  "I love watching you play!"  Tattoo it to your body and just repeat it as often as possible during breaks and on the way home!  Focus on the positive and let the coaches work on improvements.
  18. Consider ear buds especially at Momentous.  Dozens of high pitched whistles going off constantly, not to mention screaming girls, screaming parents, balls bouncing, etc can create headaches.  Us coaches can't... so have pity on us and relax to your favorite music while watching your princess play.
  19. Some venues have tables, but many times they are full. Plan on eating while sitting on a wall or on the grass or maybe at someones tailgate?
  20. Girls should not have phones during any team function... so if you want pictures...take as many as you like!  If you are feeling nice... take pics of other girls on the team as well so we can share them via the internet!
  21. Dress as comfortable as possible.. you'll be sitting and cheering for upwards of 8 hours!
  22. CASH!!  No matter how perfect a snack you pack...the girls are going to want to buy stuff from the snack bar.  Many venues also require Cash to park.  CARPOOL if possible!!  Parking close by can be expensive.  Many venues also charge PER PERSON to watch your daughter play.  Anywhere from $5-$10... prices for kids may vary.